When you are first diagnosed with breast cancer and hear the word ‘Cancer’ , it does take the wind out of you! For me, the first week was for processing and getting the opinions of a lot of people that mean well, but it just becomes overwhelming! The second week, you get your game face on and start fighting!
My life long Friend, Andrea Rodgers and I were diagnosed close together- she read my post- begging everyone to please get their mammograms and she had been delayed in getting hers! That post prompted her to go and Andrea eventually got the same news as me!
We are fighting together. I am happily now, Cancer Free, after having a bilateral Mastectomy with skin sparing reconstruction. No further treatment was needed after my surgery. This website is for us to share our experiences, journey, ups and downs and to suggest some great things that have helped us along the way! I am very excited to share my story!