On May 7, 2019, after a call back from my annual 3-D Mammogram and a Biopsy on May 1, 2019, I received the news that I had Breast Cancer. I can tell you what it felt like for me, but this will be different for every woman out there. It definitely takes the wind out of you and you can become bogged down with the “what if”, but I encourage you to be positive, as there are many ways to treat this disease and the Medical community you choose will have many great options for treating your Cancer.
Waiting on Biopsy details is very stressful and during the wait time, was probably the hardest part about this whole journey. It is a bit of a hurry up and wait game for a while. My Biopsy detail took another week, to specify what type of Breast Cancer I had. Turns out is was Estrogen positive, Progesterone positive and HER2 negative. I was also told that I was Stage 2, due to the size of my tumor.
Once you have these pieces to the puzzle, you can then formulate your plan and start meeting with your Breast Surgical team.